What is Flickstr?

Flickstr helps you create high-quality videos with just a few clicks. It simplifies the complex video-making process for personal or commercial use.

Most importantly, it does so without actually requiring considerable financial investments which are normally associated with video products and its complex back-end operations.

Flickstr Interface

Who is Flickstr For?

It is expected that up to 80% of all the content consumed online will come in video form. This means Flickstr is aimed at multiple types of users looking to drive sales, visitors or simply to increase trust.



Can use videos to create stories, to add depth to a blog post or simply to appear more professional in the increasingly competitive blogging world.

Affiliate Marketers

Find videos as the best way to convey a product or service maximizing their monthly profit.


Use videos as methods to simplify the way in which they present their new products and services.

Authors and Publishers

Benefit from video marketing to drive sales and to make an impact with possible readers.


Can use videos to sell up to 792% more products as videos can do a better job at explaining the benefits of a product than simple text.

Website Owners

Benefit from Flickstr videos with an increased visual impact and a more distinct social media presence.


Can use short but impact full videos to stay on the same page with brands who already do this such as Nike or Apple.

Offline Businesses

Constantly use videos with an impact to increase attention and ultimately, the number of visitors on the premises.

Flickstr Benefits

Creating professional-looking videos used to be expensive. It also used to take days or even weeks. But Flickstr creates shortcuts to great results where marketers don’t actually need to learn video production, editing or simply hiring expensive professionals for the job.

Save Time

Flickstr’s main benefit is that it dramatically reduces the time needed to create an awesome video. It can take just minutes to have a video ready to go public.

No More Animators and Videographers

Video production is complex and expensive. Flickstr comes with the ability to create jaw-dropping videos with plenty of text and personalization without actually hiring animators or videographers.

Saves Money By Publishing Faster

It can take even months to have a video ready from a dedicated agency. Flickstr customers can import YouTube videos or easily upload their own videos and start the effortless process which has videos ready in minutes.

Keeps the Audience Watching

Every business is fighting for attention. Videos are a proven method to keep customers intrigued and watching. A new brand identity can start with great video.

Flickstr Features

There are many features Flickstr comes with. Video creators can use some of them to create their first video today. Flickstr is the result of a constant effort of research and testing. It now offers a series of features which make it unique in the world of video creation.

  • Creates 6, 15, 30, 60 and 120-second videos

  • Standardized performance for YouTube and Facebook videos

  • Included adjust ability for social media and video ads

  • A friendly display on mobile devices such as smartphones
  • Included video background themes for better customization

  • 10 intro agency video templates to start videos with visual impact

  • 1-click video maker functionality for a simple production process

  • Included script generator to use various content in the videos

  • Precision trim to edit and cut the video s as needed
  • Multi-layer functionality for sound, audio and video
  • Included library of background music loops
  • Included audio and voice recorder functionality

  • Large selection of fonts for any type of text
  • 1-click Perfect Sync to maintain good video and audio flow
  • Included shapes and elements

  • Captivating agency-style templates

  • 30 social icons to include anywhere in the videos
  • Filtering and special effects for the perfect video message

Flickstr Pros and Cons

With so many unique features, Flickstr can be an all-in-one video production solution. However, no program is perfect and there’s always room for improvement.


  • Saves time with fast video production

  • 1-click functionality

  • Included voice and audio recorder

  • Imports videos from YouTube

  • Allows video uploads

  • 80 buttons and shapes included

  • Included video tutorials

  • Proven method of marketing

  • Recommended for all types of businesses

  • Ready for social media integration

  • Allows campaigns with video ads


  • MP4 files only

  • Mainly used for short videos

Flickstr Testimonials

“Flickstr makes it super simple to create stunning agency quality videos instantly. I shall be using this in our eCommerce business to create product showcases  without having to pay agencies to do what I can now do all by myself without huge fees!”

“Very soon your potential buyers won’t even take you seriously if you don’t reach them with a video. Before Flickstr, creating videos would involve spending $100’s on expensive software and then wasting days watching tutorials. If you want to stay in business, you need Flickstr. Two thumbs up!”

“If you want a BRAND NEW edge getting customer attention then you need to get videos. Flickstr does EXACTLY that for you! If you’re looking for highly professional short or long videos or video ads that are high converting and really impressive then you can finally do it with Flickstr. I’m hooked!”

Flickstr Summary

Flickstr is much more than an easy solution for video creation. It is used to create videos that actually resonate with viewers on different levels. Businesses can use video to present their products and services. Bloggers and publishers can use videos to present their creations or simply as an outlet for their own creativity.

With aesthetically-pleasing templates, shapes and great content, Flickstr is ready to help those who need to create videos today. It comes with user instructions, so there is no need to spend days and days looking at endless tutorials to learn complex video editing software. Even more, with Flickstr, you can use your own videos, or YouTube videos to start the creative process.

Our Verdict – 4.5 out of 5

Flickstr scores high for customer experience, uniqueness, and versatility. It is a recommended product for all digital platforms that can benefit from creating distinct videos easily that convert your viewers into sales fast.

We Recommend Flickstr